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10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins 2015

Have you every lost website data or lost your whole website?If yes then you are a victim to a malicious hacker.This may happen because of any faulty plugin or theme.You can backup your WordPress site before you lost your website.

Backup plugins are the easiest way to backup your website time-to-time which decreases the chances of lost data of your website.Some plugins are free and some plugins are paid, you just have to choose the what you want.

How Important to take backup of WordPress Blog

If you’re waiting for lost data and after the accident you want to secure you then we can’t done too much for your, but if you want to backup your WordPress blog then we’re with you.

Website owner doesn’t understand how important is to take backup of WordPress blog because the hosting providers provides the backup data is not easily open and not formatted for your WordPress CMS, but plug-ins creates the special formatted backup files which are easy to restore on your new WordPress site.

We enlisted the list of 10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins 2015 which are best of best backup plugins for WordPress.

10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins
So let’s start with the list.You’ll find the best backup plugins for WordPress so tight your seat belt and start the journey.

1.Duplicator Free WordPress Plugin

Duplicator plugin is a free WordPress plugin to takes the backup of your website.It has 4.9 out of 5 stars on WordPress ratings and we can’t ignore this plugin to add in this list.

Duplicator is one of the best WordPress plugin to takes backup because Duplicator creates a formatted .Zip file of your website and again you can restore all the backup from .Zip file by uploading on WordPress.Duplicator plugin can make a clone of your website and you can move to another domain.


2.BackWPup Free – WordPress Backup Plugin

BackWPup is also a free WordPress plugin to taking backup of your whole website.BackWPup creates a backup file of a WordPress site and store in the cloud server such as drop box, Amazon S3, FTP, RackSpace Cloud and many more.

It also has the feature of schedule backup which always secure your online data.After installing this plugin you don have to worry about your website data.

If you want more features then you can’t switch to it’s pro version which has more features than the free version.


3.UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration

UpdraftPlus Backup and Restoration is a well-ranked plugin with over 50,00,00 active installs which make this plugin very famous.Updraft is loaded with great features like duplicator, backup and much more.

With UpdraftPlus Backup plugin, you can enable the feature of schedule backup which automatically takes the backup of your website.UpdraftPlus Backup plugin store backup file in S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace and transfer can through FTP, SFTP, email + others.



VaultPress is a premium plugin and compete with every premium and paid backup plugin.If you’re ready to pay for a quality plugin then Vaultpress is best for you.

Vaultpress automatically creates a backup of your website and store the files in cloud storage and also in your hard disk of the computer through FTP. Vaultpress also scan your website from spam and dangerous files.


5.WordPress Backup to Dropbox

It is a simple backup plugin which takes your WordPress site backup and store the backup on Drop box.It is the popular plugin with over 100,000 active installs.
One of the great features of this plugin is, it’s very easy to set up this plugin on WordPress.You just have to authorize plugin and your drop box account after you first access your plugin from WordPress dashboard.


6.Backupbuddy from ithemes

Backupbuddy is a premium plugin which is developed by ithemes.You can use this plugin to take your WordPress backup as well as full backup of your database and files.Users can also move a full WordPress site to another server with the help of backup buddy plugin.

Users can also schedule the backup with this plugin and can store the website data off the site.If you have one or two websites you have to pay $80 annual fees, $100 for 10 websites.If you want unlimited website subscription then you have to pay $150.



BackUpWordPress is an another popular plugin and it has over 2,000,00 active installs.It is very easy to use and easy to restore.Another good feature of this plugin is that BackUpWordPress also works on shared hosting so don’t worry if you are running your website on shared hosting.

However, if you want to store your backups any place other than your hard drive or email, you’ll need to purchase an extension.


8.Snapshot Pro

Snapshot Pro is also a premium plugin to takes the backup of your whole WordPress site.Snapshot Pro is offering by wp mu dev, this plugin is like a time machine of your WordPress blog.You just have to install this plugin and set Snapshot for auto-backup.

You can restore files, your whole website with a single click.You can see the previously changes and version of your WordPress site and also can restore with a single click on the button.



Have you ever needed to take database backup?If yes then WP-DB-Backup is the solution of your problem.WP-DB-Backup creates the backup of your database and this plugin is for free.

You can also use its premium version if you wan to use extra and advance features.



ManageWP is a service provider which includes many great services and backup & migration is one of them.You can enjoy different services includes Backup and restoration services.


Final Words

In the ending of the post on Top 10 Best WordPress Backup Plugins 2015,  I hope you like this posts, I personally recommended Duplicator Free WordPress Plugin to use as primary backup plugin for your WordPress blog because it offer some great features.

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