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Top 10 WordPress SEO Plugins For 2015

WordPress the most used content management system or we can say that web designing software ever.Almost 50 million websites are designed by WordPress.We love to use WordPress and not only a simple blogger, but most of the professional business websites, magazines and news online directory uses WordPress to run websites.

It is the most popular CMS, but it is not a Seo friendly blogging tool.WordPress doesn’t have the feature of optimization of blog posts.
Users of WordPress must have to install third party plugins to optimize their sites and blogs.So we are sharing Top 10 best WordPress Seo Plugin.

1.Google SEO Pressor for Rich snippets


Google SEO Pressor for Rich snippets is the best tool to create or generate automatically structured data on your WordPress blog.

Rich-snippet is very important factor in SEO and if you want to rank higher in the search result you have to put Rich-snippet in your WordPress theme.If you have a premium theme which already have the rich snippet code then ignore this plugin.

Most of the free WordPress theme doesn’t build with the rich snippet code, that is why Google Search Engine can’t understand the structure of a website or blog.
If you want to add Rich Snippet on your blog and don’t want to pay a good amount to web designer then you can install this plugin.

2.Yoast WordPress SEO Plugin (Free and Premium)


Read How To Use Yoast WordPress Seo Plugin effectively like a Pro

Yoast WordPress SEO plugin is the best SEO plugin which is used by more than 1 Million users.Yoast WordPress plugin created your blog SEO optimized and helps to get rank higher in the Search Result.

Its Focus KeyWord features boost your post on the search engines.Yoast SEO plugin shows you all the mistakes happens in SEO while writing meta description, Title of the article, FocusKW and rate the SEO effectiveness.

Yoast SEO WordPress plugin available in two versions Free and paid.Free version can be downloaded from the plugin directory and to buy the premium version of Yoast plugin you have to visit the Yoast’s official Website.

3.All in one SEO WordPress Plugin (Free and Premium)


All in SEO WordPress plugin was the number one WordPress SEO plugin before the release of Yoast SEO WordPress plugin.All in one SEO WordPress plugin was used by millions of WordPress users.

The latest version of SEO WordPress plugin is different from the old one.Now in the new version of WordPress plugin.This plugin optimizes post descriptions, titles and Keywords.

Bloggers are still using this plugin to optimize your blog.All in one SEO plugin now available in two versions, Free and Premium.Premium version includes advanced features like video Site XML sitemap, Videos optimizations etc.

4.WordPress SEO Comments Plugin


WordPress SEO comment plugin is different from other comment plugins.It is not a simple Commenting plugin to adds comment section like Disqus and Commentluv, it is the highly configured plugin which optimize your comment of blog posts which results to get indexed your comment by Google Search Bot.

This plugin converts comments on your blog into a long tail optimized keyword which can easily indexed by Google Search Bot.

If you are getting hundreds of comments daily and have thousands of comment published then this plugin is for you.

5.SEO Ultimate


SEO ultimate, another plugin which works same as Yoast SEO WordPress plugin and All in one plugin.SEO ultimate also optimize your WordPress blog in mean time.You don’t need to wait to get your blog indexed by Major search bots.

SEO ultimate includes different, most important features which show the positive impact on your blogs traffic.This plugin controls over in meta tags like Title, Description, auto-linking, rich snippets and much more.

If you are unhappy with Yoast WordPress plugin and All in one SEO plugin, then switch to SEO ultimate you’ll see some positive changes in the traffic.

6.SEO Friendly Images


Images are the most important part of a blog post.Textual content is also important, but most of the blogger ignore images.Most of the blogger doesn’t optimize the content images without knowing the importance of the images.

This SEO friendly Images plugin helps to optimize your content images, this plugin adds Atl and other needed tags and attributes automatically

7.Ultimate Video SEO Plugin (Premium)


Ultimate video SEO plugin helps to optimize your videos.Optimization of Video is very crucial past of the SEO, it is not easy to optimize a video because it is very different from textual content and images.

This plugins supports almost every format of videos and optimize your videos for all major search engines.

8.WP Video SEO


Wp Video SEO is another WordPress Plugin to optimize your videos by creating a sitemap of the videos.It reduces the time of indexing by the different search engine and allows search engines to create a thumbnail of videos in the search result.

9.WP Social


Wp social plugin related to all about making a social friendly website.This plugin helps you to optimize your blog post for Social networks.
Google search engine bots put in the top of the search results which are social friendly and famous on social media because its shows its popularity.
Download and install this plugin to get more traffic from Search engines.

10.Google Sitemap


Last, but not the least Google sitemap WordPress plugin.Sitemap plays an important role in the World of the SEO.Without sitemap websites, blogs, Videos and any other data can’t get crawled by search engines bot.
Yoast WordPress SEO plugin have this feature to create a sitemap for your blog and if you don’t want to Yoast SEO so you can install this plugin.

Final Words

In the end of the post I can say that you loved this post and we arrange the Top 10 WordPress SEO Plugins For 2015 from everywhere on the internet and few of them I personally using on my different blogs.We’ll definitely add new plugins in this list so keep visiting our blog.

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